
How to Make Today’s Changing World of Work, Work for You

By Mary Truslow on

Dear marketers, creatives and job seekers: the change we’ve been anticipating is finally here! Many companies are doing more business, hiring to meet demand, and calling workers back to the office.

Even the best change can be stressful, but this is your chance to make the most of it. Consider taking these steps as you prepare to keep growing in your career and personal life:

Take stock of your current job. If you’ve been remote, what has that meant for your working relationships, attention to detail, creative energy and overall productivity? How do things like your workspace, access to childcare, and no more commuting factor in?

Outline your career goals. Think about what you hope to achieve and whether the job you have now is the best path to get there. What would you change about your current role?

Ask your manager for a soft review or check-in. Talk about your job duties, what your work-from-home routine has looked like, and what you might want or need to change if you go back to the office.

Consider a new opportunity. Leaving your job is a big decision and should not be taken lightly. But if your current role no longer fits, and your manager can’t help, it might be time to look elsewhere.

Want to leave? Start your job search now. The process takes time, and it’s even tougher to manage if you’re already working. Today’s red-hot job market will get even busier— dive in this summer and stay ahead of the curve.

Get in touch with your feelings (seriously). The maskless meetings and rush-hour commutes that used to feel normal will take some getting used to. You’re allowed to feel uneasy about it. As we part ways with the comforts of quarantining, be sure to cut yourself some slack.

Talk to friends and teammates. In the throes of change, remember that you’re not alone. Sharing positive thoughts and finding support from your peers are two great ways to process everything that’s going on.

This type of self-inventory should help clarify where you are and how to move forward. Trying to resolve any issues with your current job is an important first step. But if you’ve already done that and it’s time to move on, explore these new opportunities to find the best fit.